Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Big TV's Response

Almost as a direct response to my previous post, Reliance big tv has released its new ad! When i saw the ad today, it was like deja vu for me! hypnotized
Exactly the same situation that i mentioned in my previous post, has been depicted in the ad! A Manchester United fan, eager to watch a match, being irritated by the cable operator, finally, gets frustrated and ends up buying Big tv DTH!
But i am absolutely sure that the ending won't be the same in my case thumbs down I definitely wouldnt go for big tv again! angry

Couldn't resist sharing this video!cool


Nagendra HK said...


Chetan said...

Yeah true! wish their service and customer care was as better as their ad :P

ಗುರುರಾಜ said...

what a coincidence. :) Value of your article increased by putting that video here.

GunnerCesc4 said...

Actually I went for Airtel Digital TV for the exact reason.
Now after watching this ad, I am relieved i didnt go for BIG TV who endorsed our rivals Manutd ;)

VijayGadwal said...

@Galactico14 :
Appreciate your choice :)
Wonder what you would choose if it was the other way round! ;)
i.e airtel endorsing United and you knowing before hand about the troubles with big tv!

GunnerCesc4 said...

Thats a difficult question :)

VijayGadwal said...

So you're taking the safe option of not answering the question? ;)

GunnerCesc4 said...

I would ve changed my perspective in that case. Would have ignored the club to have a bigger picture i.e, football :)

VijayGadwal said...

Ha Ha :)
I'd expected otherwise!
anyway, good to know :)